PC to run COBRA


Minimal required configuration

COBRA can be installed on every PC running Windows7, Vista, or XP.

32- and 64-bit platforms are supported.

A minimal configuration PC is dual core 2 GB RAM.

Recommended PC

We recommend the following PC giving the best price/performance ratio

CPU: Intel quad-core i7 / 2.4+ GHz
GPU: nVIDIA Geforce GTX480(470) with 1536MB RAM
OS: Windows7 64 bit

CT systems for medical, dental, veterinary, scientific, and industrial applications

Getting COBRA Demo version

In order to get COBRA Demo one has to download and install Cobra setup package available on this website. COBRA will run in demo mode automatically unless (till) a valid license will be purchased (physically it is USB key) and properly installed

Demo version vs. licensed version

The differences are
·        Slices (output volumetric data) contain a word EXXIM;
·        Correction algorithms CFA and SAMARA are not available;
·        When COBRA GUI is running in High-Definition visualization mode a user is observing semitransparent marks with Demo-Mode letters on a visualization screen.

COBRA-Demo allows evaluating almost entire functionality of Cobra (including cluster solutions, SDK, full-functional visualization), which typically covers 95% of customer needs

GPU supported Feldkamp-based filtered back-projecting reconstruction for cone-beam CT. Mitigating various artifacts caused by metal objects, polychromatic X-Ray spectrum, Feldkamp algo-rithm approximation